
To schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your legal issues, contact the Law Office of Chris Ring online or call 606.784.2428. Fax - 606.784.1615

Office Hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. After hour and weekend appointments are available upon request.  For personal injury our operator will be available after hours.


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Social Security and Supplemental Security Income -

Social Security is a federal government program designed to provide economic security to people who are retired, unemployed, or unable to work.  The United States Social Security program was established in 1935 and its funds come from employers and employees.  If you are facing economic uncertainty because of an injury or medical condition, you may be eligible for Social Security benefits.  Social Security benefits can provide the support to allow you to enjoy your usual way of life.

Contact the Law Office of Chris Ring to schedule a free Social Security consultation today. Call our Morehead law office today at 606.784.2428.